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5 Steps to Success and Self-satisfaction

Aggiornamento: 12 ago 2023

We know what success really is?

When do you hear about success, where your mind goes first? For example, when I was young, I used to read teenage magazines and watch famous musicians videos on television and I admit it made me jealous sometimes. I thought that, because they have so much money, cars and dresses, they were the happiest people in the world, and so I desired all these things too.

Nowadays, this vision is more common than ever, just think about the pictures many people post on social media: they are all about luxury, money, vacations, cars and nothing more.

Unfortunately, in today's consumerist world, powerful people want us to think we have to spend more, to be fancy and that we need to be all about what is trending now to not be cut out of society. In this way, not being rich has become synonym for failure and discontent.

We tend to forget we all have different goals and reasons behind our actions.

Only figuring out our purpose in life is key to becoming successful and self-satisfied.

At the age of 10, I started to play clarinet in my small city band and, with time, I became quite good at it. At the end of middle school, my dream was to enter the Conservatory and become a famous Orchestra first clarinet.

Yea, I was admitted in and I felt so successful. But after graduation and at the end of the 5th year of music school, my parents wanted me to go to University and told me I had to leave the conservatory because they couldn't afford it anymore. That day my world fell.

It took me years to process what happened, but I would have left music school before, If only I had noticed I was becoming stressed, anxious and I was overcharging myself, only for people to like and support me. If I hadn't given up that road, I wouldn't have discovered my skills and the goals I want to achieve now in my life.

Success is an interchangeable term dependent entirely on who is defining it. Your success in life and in your career isn’t measured based on what other people think, unless you let it be. Rather than giving away your power, and allowing someone else to apply their definition of success to your life, instead make up your own definition.

Antasha Kristianne


What you need to know about being successful

It is important to understand that success is not directly related to self-satisfaction, because satisfaction can only be attained when you have peace of mind, good health and a clear idea of what makes you happy.

So, you can reach success, drowning yourself completely in work, without leaving any time for happiness and personal enjoyment. But without self-satisfaction, all this leads to unhappiness.

There are so many examples of people who took off, but who also felt depressed and filled with rage for this. Here, there is an interesting TEDx talk given by Jamie Anderson, author and cyclist who explains how choosing the easy way to success instead of following his dream, made him a bad man, and why living his old life to follow his instinct made him happier and, last but not least, a better dad:

Let's see the 5 steps to become successful in life!

1 - Set the plan and write it down.

To start your runway to success, you absolutely need to set a plan!. The best way to do it is to think about the goal, how you want to reach it and why. Neurologists affirm that writing down your plans and describing them really make you achieve your goals.

Read the Forbes article to learn more about it:

2 - Observe your field and learn the skills you need

Depending on what is your goal, you have to understand on which ground you are playing, observe the rules and learn the basic skills you need to win the game. Depending on who you're around, It is important to develop good social skills, because it will let you obtain the outcome you want and live the journey to success more peacefully.

Empathy and social skills are social intelligence, the interpersonal part of emotional intelligence. That's why they look alike.

Daniel Goleman

3 - Make adjustments

Probably, during the process you will have to make adjustments. Maybe an unexpected event occurred and the small goals you need to achieve in the short run changed. This is completely normal and sometimes it is necessary to see clearly what you were doing wrong and study how to solve eventual problems.

If you want to save money for an online course, you must check your expenses every day and possibly reduce them.

4 - Set your goals

Then you must define the little achievements you need to obtain, but make sure they are realistic and related to a specific timeframe. For example, if your goal is to write a novel and the reason is you want to create a unique love story, you should get inspiration from love novels you are familiar with. Then it's time to set small goals, such as developing characters, deciding the point of view and setting the end. It helps to not lose motivation during the writing process and to remain focused.

5 - Be persistent

Most of the time, when we realize the difficulties ahead of us, we just give up and throw away all the work we have done so far. Often, this kind of behaviour leads to failure: we will always have some obstacles on our journey, but right in those moments, we need to believe in our purpose and find the motivation to stay focused. I personally had tons of goals in my life, but for different reasons, I couldn't see things clearly and I gave up, feeling a failure. I also experienced myself not being fully supported and learned how it is hard to go on when counting only on yourself.



In the end, we can tell the concept of Success is not the same for everyone. Of course, you could reach Success fast taking wrong paths and shortcuts, but without self-satisfaction and passion, you won't be happy and motivated to go on the long term.

Another important concept is that you have to follow specific steps and remain committed to them, if you want the top of the mountain.


Listen to this podcast now to find out the mindset of successful people...I did it and I know you won't regret it!

And you, what's your vision of success? What do you think about the relationship between success and self-satisfaction? Write it in the comment section, tell me if you liked the topic and what you would like to read next time!

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